I studied the path of yoga in 2019 under guidance of Arvind Baslyal in India. Mainly to find a remedy for personal injuries that were not healing in western society. During my stay I learned about meditation techniques, pranayama (breathwork) and asanas (poses). I learned about healing the body in a soft and gentle way. Back in europe I continued my own practise in yoga and came across the Ashtanga Yoga style that became an important part of my present life.
My approach to yoga comes from my own dedicated practice and a transformative experience with healing injuries. I’m non-dogmatic in my teachings and I like to encourage my students to intuitively find their own expression in yoga, while offering clear guidance along the way. My classes are taught with a strong intention to the individual body, making it inclusive and accessible to everyone!
the elements I use:
Grounding & calming, it keeps the ego in check. It’s our bones, ‘the roots’ of our movements. When we use the element earth we will use strong poses, focusing on our feet grounded in the earth. Feeling powerful and in control of our own life.
It provides the ability to adapt, to flow and to act selflessly. Water avoids unhealthy attachments, It cleans our body with a continuous flow. Water rules your blood. When we use the element water we will flow, clean and move our body in different shapes, adapting to what is needed for you in the present moment. A channel for clear communication and self-expression.
Brings confidence and courage, it inflames passion! It’s the energy of our metabolism, a drive from within. The element fire can be easily presented as hate or anger, so stay conscious! When we use the element fire we focus, ignite and protect our own fire within that needs to burn.
A channel for clear communication and self-expression. It influences
your ability to act from a place of compassion and love. Air connects every
living being. We all need its oxygen. Air represents a love for freedom and profoundness, but don’t fly too high..