
I will help you (re)-connect with your body through movement. Together we will make sure you move forward from your own wisdom within. Your body will give me all the insides.
(If desired) we start our session with a Human Design reading to find out about your conscious and unconscious behavior. Your personal chart can give me a fast window into your life. It will show me all the boxes that you were never meant to be placed in! Together we will dive into your long lasting patterns and ‘strategies’ that you use in your current life.
I believe that our situation is changing all the time and therefor your strategy has to change too. Except it’s not easy to change a strategy that once used to work for you. Our own patterns become fresh blockages in our body’s and therefor in our mind. We become our own enemy in moving forward. To choose new directives, we need the understanding that no one holds the answer for another person;
We can merely share experiences, mirror each other, take responsibility for our behavior and turn it into a new opportunity.
From there transformation can take place.
I’m here to guide you, motivate you, mirror you, and loosen up that body with you, in your process for change.

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. If you block it in the body, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost.”
― Martha Graham

In group sessions we’re going to move as individuals in a group. We’re going to explore how you interact with one another, with the space in a playful way. We will explore what roll you take, where you choose to be in and why you choose to be there. Listening, to what’s in the current and use those moments to create a groups flow. Playful, active , presence, finding yourself again in a work related environment is what this is all about.
These sessions can be customized for specific groups and (work-related) companies.